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Spirituality is an energy essence. Spiritual awareness measures how well you connect with the energy inside you as well as around you. The more spiritually open you are, the more you accept yourself and others, lovingly and unconditionally.


Many people mistakenly think spirituality is defined by religion or religious philosophy. Spirituality is found within YOU, not any external construct. You do not have to be a religious person to be spiritual.


Being spiritually aware means you are in touch with your heart and the secrets it holds. You’re in tune with the energy in the world, receptive to new ideas and new ways of understanding. When you invoke principles of spiritual awareness, you prioritize what is positive... and then encounter fewer struggles, less stress, and fewer adversities. Your spirituality guides you to make choices that nurture your body, brain, intellect, and emotions and to interact with the world in a caring and constructive way.


Everyone has a different level of spiritual awareness, which can even change over time.
No matter where you land on the spirituality spectrum, I can help you become more spiritually aware, more open, more contented, and more capable of addressing whatever life throws your way.

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